
*Each client case is unique. Individual results may vary.

“As a married couple, we had struggled for years in many ways. Attentiveness, respect and improving our communication were areas we needed to focus on for a fulfilling relationship. We needed to work through 20 years of past hurts and resentments. This required perseverance, strong commitment to each other and Mei’s excellent approach to discussing our sensitive issues. Mei’s facilitation led to both of us feeling like equals, in control of our lives and happy together.”

Name Withheld
Fredericton, NB

“During the pregnancy and birth of our twins, we began having difficulties in our relationship. We were both very anxious to start therapy, but after the first session we felt comfortable because of Mei’s warm and inviting personality. We started being able to truly communicate with each other using the tools we were given and the homework we did between sessions. At times it was really hard work. Being vulnerable in front of a partner isn’t always easy, but Mei helped us feel safe and comfortable. 

We initially began therapy in Mei’s office, but due to Covid-19 we made the switch to virtual care. Despite this change we still felt like we were in her serene office. Mei helped us get connected again by using Emotionally Focused Therapy. We would recommend Mei to any couple wanting to heal their relationship and start fresh with better communication.”

Always Appreciative Parents of Twins
Fredericton, NB


“My wife and I worked with MEI for a 7 month period at a time when we were experiencing much stress in our marriage.  We found that Mei’s compassion, knowledge and genuine concern for us brought us through a very difficult time and provided us with building blocks to build a much stronger and closer relationship. I would strongly recommend MEI to anyone seeking her services.”

Name Withheld
Fredericton, NB


 “Mei was extremely helpful. I appreciated her gentle, kind tone. She really showed me that she understood and was very helpful in helping/guiding me towards finding my way. I now feel much better + empowered at work. My level of anxiety has practically vanished at work. Wow! She was such an amazing counsellor. Never had one like her before. Thank you.”

Name Withheld
Fredericton, NB

“Mei helped me through a very difficult period in my life. She was insightful, caring and very approachable. It was so easy to open up and discuss the issues at hand. I feel that through my sessions with Mei that I am a stronger person moving forward. As I move forward I will be relying greatly on her advice and guidance she showed me during our sessions. Thank you!”

Name Withheld
Fredericton, NB

“My experience with Mei was one of comfort, discovery and resolution. At the outset of our sessions she made it a priority to understand my needs. I learned much more than expected in our limited time together. Mei was able to provide effective resources to continue the work on my own after our sessions. Her compassion, understanding and commitment to helping resolve my issue was truly life changing.”

Name Withheld
Fredericton, NB

“My counseling experience with Mei was a Godsend. I mean that quite literally. At the beginning I was in a very low spot in my life. What I remember vividly about that first counseling session with Mei was the empathetic, calming voice that greeted me. She is a very kind, sensitive, and compassionate person who listened to my erratic story unfold. She is very patient and caring, knowing when to step in. As sessions went on, Mei handed me tools for life that I had never been offered before in any of my previous therapies. Ways to look at life that are so helpful. I learned from Mei how to forgive and love myself again. She showed me how to bring back my self -esteem, and most importantly gave me my renewed meaning for life. I would recommend Mei to anyone with (or without) struggles with themselves and others. Counseling with Mei was an experience that resulted in a truly spiritual and mental uplift for me.”


 “Mei Huang is not the only counsellor that I spoke to, but she definitely is the most helpful one. In my first meeting, she already help me to see things from a different angle. With a better understanding of my questions, my stress was released right at the spot. What make the experience with Mei so powerful is she listens and understands, her gentle approach makes you feel like talking with a trustworthy friend, and she enlightens you to find your very own solution. I call it Mei’s calm healing magic.”

Name withheld
Financial Sector-Manager
Vancouver, BC

 “I found your sessions insightful and taught me how to control my emotions – something I never knew I could do. I feel empowered having gone through the sessions with you and have a much more positive state of mind.
     Thank you!”

Name withheld
Fredericton, NB

“Mei helped me a tremendous amount at a time when I was very much in need. She provided grief counseling to me after the loss of my mother. She helped me to understand the grief process itself and that everyone grieves in their own way. She was incredibly empathetic and thorough.
Thanks to Mei, I’m more comfortable moving through the cycles of my grief. I would strongly recommend her services.”

Name Withheld
Business Analyst
Fredericton, NB

她温润平和的声音像清凉的夏雨滋润了我焦灼不安的心田,她专业尽职的态度让我很放心, 她的服务引领我认知了心理辅导的价值,谢谢 Mei 让我对心理辅导有了信心,谢谢 Mei 让我更健康地享受生活的美好!

Vancouver, BC

作为第一代移民的我来到一个陌生的国度,陌生的温哥华,对一切从零开始所要面临的困难和艰辛是有心理准备的。文化上的冲突,本地西人对华人的歧视, 其他族裔对华人的排挤, 华裔之间的倾轧。所有的这一切我都真切的感受到了。我不停地告诉自己一定要坚强,你的努力是不会白费的,终有一天你会得偿所愿的。我在努力地工作,一直都有一份全职一份兼职或更多; 我在进修学习,有上夜校读的酒店管理学也有全职在社区大学读的西厨。但现实与期望的巨大落差, 机会的渺茫,让我陷入了几乎崩溃的边缘。

相信是机缘巧合,因为我指定要讲中文的COUNSELOR 所以我们在电波中相遇了。您的耐心倾听和简洁明了的分析让我感觉找到了一个能听懂我的话的人。我们并不相识,完全没有利益冲突,这中立的身份让我相信找到了一个安全的宣泄口。 所有的委屈、不满、疑惑、担忧倾泻而出,满脑子满胸腔压力的骤减让人一下子有点空虚茫然。 对于我这一大堆杂乱无章倾泻而出的牢骚您做出了专业的定性概括。不错,事情就是这么简单,没有什么大不了的,只是当局者迷而已。乌云密布的天空撕开了一条裂缝,一缕阳光洒了下来. 按照您推荐的方法, 我以一个全新的角度重新审视了自已,更清晰地了解了自己的现状。周遭的景物变得逐渐清晰起来了,原来路还有很多条,自己正站在交叉路口上,入口就在旁边,每一条路我都可以走.现在沐浴在阳光中的我信心满满地迎接着挑战, 迈着或大或小的步伐向着自己的目标走去。

太神奇了,难以置信,正如您说的我发生了简直是180度大转变。但是我心中很清楚我这一路是怎么走过来的。 现在我相信您说的,人的潜力是无穷大的,大到你想象不到的程度。


Vancouver, BC

“Mei is a gifted counsellor. Before I use her counselling service, I had a big family problem. My husband moved back to china. He wanted to find a job there and didn’t want to come back to Canada. I had huge stress and cannot focus on my work. Mei helped me analyzing my situation and what I really could do to help my husband. She also helped me learn how to communicate with my husband to improve the relationships between us. Mei is a very good listener. I felt heard and understood by her. She is very knowledgeable about a person’s psychological needs. I understood myself and my husband much better after talking to her. Also, Mei is a very smart physiological problem solver. She gave me step- by -step solutions to solve my problems. After working with Mei, the relationship between me and my husband was improved by mutual understanding and better communication. I now understand myself much better and feel much happier in my life. I would highly recommend Mei’s service to others. You will find that she is not only a kind counsellor, but also an indispensable guide in your life.”

Name Withheld
Senior Research Associate
Alberta, Canada

“Before I started counselling, I felt that I was not living my life the way I wanted. My health was not good. My relationship with my spouse was not going well. My spouse did not have a full time job. I struggled to cope with all these problems while having to work to pay mortgage, my child’s university tuition and living expense… I lost myself. My spouse did not listen to me and did not care about my concerns. He was only happy when everything was done his way. Otherwise he got angry easily and expressed his temper without control. My life was miserable. I felt that I had no control.

While I was receiving Mei’s service, I felt I was in good hands. She listened to my concerns. She was patient, calm, and paid attention to every detail of my problems. She used her expertise to help me understand my situation, what I could do to avoid hurting myself both emotionally and physically, and how I could help myself feel better. I specifically like the fact that Mei helped me get myself back and put my own well being as No. 1 priority.

As a result of receiving Mei’s service, I can now cope with my spouse’s issues in a peaceful way, which has helped to minimize the negative effects of his behaviours on me and keep myself positive every day. I would recommend Mei’s professional service to anybody who is struggling with the similar situation in my community.”

Name Withheld
Cost Engineer
Ontario, Canada

“While I was struggling a great deal with my relationship with my wife, your counselling helped me significantly. I found you to be very compassionate, sympathetic, and positive, and that your counselling style really reinforced the positive things that I was doing, or could do. I found your suggestions to be very helpful, and your sympathy to be very encouraging and reassuring. I felt that I had a counsellor who genuinely cared, and wanted to see me feel better, which I really appreciated. I have felt a great deal better since our counselling began, and I feel like I have a number of new tools to deal with things when times get tough again. I would definitely recommend your services to others.”

Name Withheld
Edmonton, Alberta

“I feel counselling helped me to face my problems, put them in perspective and discover coping solutions from within. My problems were much easier to cope with once I realized that I could consciously choose to avoid upsetting thoughts and focus on what was within my control. My counselling sessions left me feeling much happier and peaceful. As a result, I had regained control of my life.
Thank you again for your assistance, Mei.”

Assistant Manager
Southern Ontario, Canada

“Throughout my professional experience with Mei, she has shown exceptional qualities as a counsellor. With her clients, she continuously demonstrates an excellent capacity to quickly establish a very open and effective therapeutic alliance. Mei shows great respect for her clients and uses an eclectic approach to meet each client’s needs as much as possible. I was impressed with her ability to move a client through a very thorough counselling process, in a setting that requires short-term therapy, and pleased to see that her clients were satisfied with the therapeutic work they accomplished.
     Not only does Mei have outstanding counselling abilities, constant thrive for professional development, and excellent ethical conduct, she is one of those people that I consider has a true gift for counselling.”

Tina Sirois-LeBlanc M.A.O., Certified Canadian Counsellor
Marriage & Couple Therapist
(Mei’s former supervisor and colleague)
Fredericton, New Brunswick 

“I could write countless true and wonderful things about Mei: Most of all she is calm healing presence. I feel Mei’s spiritual energy and her desire for my well-being every time I am with her. I believe if you become a client of Mei, you will be seen with that same profound respect and with her unconditional positive regard. I believe any client can trust that he or she will be cared for sincerely by Mei. Mei’s compassion is seen in her empathy as she honors the life stories of her clients with her deep listening. She is a wise and deeply caring clinician. Clients experience the benefits of her spirituality and the benefits of her personal life experience.

I have long known Mei’s self discipline and work ethic. She always does her personal best in her work with her clients. Mei is an insightful clear thinking woman and has succinct ways of speaking profound truths. This in my opinion shows the wise therapist she is.
I cannot emphasize enough how truly I believe these things, and I would always trust my personal well being as a client in Mei’s therapy chair.

Marilyn Webb M.Ed. CCC
(A fellow student, colleague and life friend)
Charlottetown, PEI


 Contact Mei for a free 15-minute consultation today!